BSC Network
In a cryptocurrency market where the transaction costs are governed by the fees paid to miners for the services offered as a decentralised registry, the project wanted to choose a blockchain that would guarantee its users the greatest possible number of advantages: the Binance Smart Chain.
Cheap Transactions
Due to how the platform is built, users will have to carry out transactions of deposit and withdrawal of DEGA tokens towards the BNB crypto and vice versa. Thanks to Binance Smart Chain, the cost of these transactions is far lower than the main blockchains: in times of peak use of the Ethereum network, the BCS has managed to guarantee its users a thousand times cheaper transaction fees.
Transaction Speed
The BSC is a network managed by the Binance company and can be defined as a decentralized but organized network with nodes maintained by a single legal entity. This feature makes it a very fast network with execution levels not reachable by other blockchains.
Maximum Transparency
The BSC is totally transparent and users can verify all transactions, as well as the operation of the network itself. The most important website that allows for the exploration of BSC is BSCscan, reachable from this web address: The management by such a large and recognized player, as well as the possibility of transparency, make BSc a mature and secure blockchain.
No Long-Term Constraints
The BSC is a replica of the Ethereum blockchain and uses the same standards. There are also other blockchains on the market that allow the same standards to be used and the technical conditions have now been created to carry out bridges between various blockchains. This vision allows not to be bound forever to BSC but to have the ability to switch from one blockchain to another and create interpolable tokens that can be used on smart contracts built on other chains.
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